Théâtre Tristan Bernard
28 mars - 26 avril, 2003
Through his inks, Thomas combines strength and rhythm, speed and fluidity, condenses his instant thought into the gesture, for he alone have the foreboding of the infinite diversity he put in equilibrium. He knows how to steal from the unknown its parts of shadow in order to extract from it what will become the evidence by an ample gesture which engages the whole of his body and frees him from gravity. The brush manages to find a form, away from the horizon of the visible daily, and writes a universe that imposes its algebra and its language.
The mastery of this technique requires a moral asceticism where the path of the brush acts as a meditation, a breathing where the identity of the artist is diluted with matter. These India inks touches us by their vibrant dynamic, without forcing the spirit and gives the spectators the freedom to surrender and dialogue serenely in a space delivered from all tension. Sometimes, the harmony chosen by Thomas Salet cadences the black, power of the unfathomables, modulates it, illuminate it by red, synonymous with inexhaustible ardor, sometimes punctuated with yellow and blue. These colors illuminate the apparent austerity of the inks where the attention to a detail does not isolate us from the work, that remains, immediately, entire by the gaze.
That's why Thomas does not question us, but gives us answers because he is more attentive to the other than talkative about himself.
Pierre Nore
India ink and watercolor on Xuan paper, 139 X 69 cm, 2003.