It is not clear why, year after year, Nicole Ginoux-Bessec persists in multiplying the exhibitions-tributes devoted to a country Greece this year, which she installs like cuckoos in her salon of Montrouge. The show itself, continues to be the only one of its kind in the Paris area : a springboard for young artists. It is enough to look at the curriculum vitae of the artists we are talking about: all have "done" Montrouge. So what about this year?
The number of participants (150) has decreased: this helps to release the works and present them (a little) better. There is also a strong presence of painting, female artists and Asians. One will appreciate the beautiful painting of Michèle Katz which prowls around the writing, the aerial delicacies, gray and white, of Florence Lucas. As for the Asians, one will be sensitive to the delicate sensuality of the canvas of Son Kwang Bea, whose forms are diluted in a diffuse, ethereal space, the broad, affirmed abstraction of Choi Yong Dae, stemming from calligraphy and which bears witness to a true painter's temperament.
But the one who seems to me deserve the most attention is Thomas Salet, who exposes a canvas that is free, dirty, polluted, assaulted in black colors and wine lees , yet light and of astonishing freedom. One is impressed by the personality that manifests itself there.
These discoveries are the primary interest of an art fair frequented by the general public and specialists. None is more useful than this one, open and generous.
Michel Nuridsany