The Drawer
February 3 - March 3, 2014
Series initiated in 2003 and rarely shown, « Splash » counts a hundred drawings and bears well its name. The figures and silhouettes that make it seem indeed to have literally crashed on the paper. Like pinned funny insects, members of this singular family reproduce themselves over time and according to the desires of the artist. 22 drawings extracted from the series will be specially presented for the occasion including a specially made part. It's dripping, it's squirming in every way and in Technicolor. Playful, colorful, attractive, the series could appear as the funny part of Thomas Salet’s work, its pop side. But its nice look is a lure : Systematisation (the format, the medium, the composition are always the same) deep background work from the form (Proven to envy, stretching like a chewing gum) guides this serie as much as the others. « Splash » condenses the air of nothing Salet’s work and method : One finds the same form vocabulary both organic and anthropomorphic ; techniques common to other work(the perforation of the paper to draw and circumscribe the shape for example) ; The artist's obsession for serial and infinity ; his fascination for strangeness, the unlisted, the between-two. All this without taking itself seriously. Splash !
Barbara Soyer